happens during Therapy?
The recipient lays comfortably
and fully clothed on the treatment table. The therapist’s
light, hands-on approach assists your body’s natural
mechanisms to remove restrictions, dissipate the negative
effects of trauma and stress and enhance your general health
and resistance to disease. Rarely is the pressure used more
than 5 grams (the weight of a nickel). Working with the
CranioSacral system induces a very relaxing state in which
the release of connective tissue happens readily.
Trained therapists are able to palpate the
CranioSacral rhythm anywhere on the body and valuable information
can be gained quickly to locate restrictions in the connective
tissue or fascia of the body. These restrictions can be
the result of physical and/or emotional trauma and are often
behind many chronic problems, which have not been helped
by any other treatment.
How it works
Once restrictions have been located, gentle
techniques and light touch are used to assist the natural
movement within the system and release the restriction.
In addition to specific physical techniques, the therapist
may also channel and direct energy to assist the body’s
innate healing force. It is this connection with the body’s
inner wisdom and healing force that creates such profound
healing on many levels.
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