Personal Statement
I have had many people work on me in my life. Whether the
touch is soft or strong, I always find the most benefit
when the body worker provides a caring level of attention
and communication. It helps me respond to their touch in
an authentic way and healing is often quick to follow. I’ve
let this experience be my guide in the 16 years I’ve
been a therapist myself. My most important goals are making
the patient a partner in the healing process and empowering
their body’s ability to find balance.
My journey into this profession began when I was 18 and
discovered I had hypoglycemia. There wasn’t a pill
to take or some quick cure. I had to change my diet and
my lifestyle. It led me to the world of herbs, acupuncture
and therapy. I found that traveling my own inner path in
this way and discovering my own mind- body connection, made
it easier to choose my road to the professional world. I
chose massage therapy.
When I experienced my first CranioSacral session, it was
like coming home. It spoke to me in a language I understood.
I now try to speak to others in the same language, letting
go of ego, trusting and following the path the body needs
to take to find it’s own healthy rhythm.
You can find a list
of my experience and qualifications on this site.